在吗?想约您一起和聚广恒公司参加2019 年印度国际电子生产设备展
来源:广东聚广恒自动化设备有限公司时间:2019/9/30 11:26:55


On September 23, in the morning, the pretty girls of Juguangheng was sorting out the equipment needed to fly to India, ready to fly to India and start a new journey again.


9月24日,2019 年印度国际电子元器件及生产设备展览会已经展开忙碌的布展中了。印度是一个神奇的国度,它为电子企业提供了市场机遇。本届展会是以电子生产设备为主题,因此慕名吸引了各地区国家的展商们,参展的电子企业和产品在此聚集。布展现场大家来来往往,各自忙碌。聚广恒的小伙伴们,加油!

On September 24th, Electronica & Productronica India 2019 has been going the busy exhibition preparing. India is a magical country that offers market opportunities for electronics companies. This exhibition is based on the theme of electronic production equipment, so it attracted many exhibitors from various countries and regions, and the participating electronics companies and products gathered here. Everyone came and went during the exhibition. Juguangheng’s colleagues, come on!



The pretty girls of Juguangheng also came to the exhibition site early and began to dress up their own booths. In many electronic production equipment, Juguangheng laser marking machine is indispensable. Our colleagues have moved out the exhibits (laser marking machine equipment, SMT peripheral equipment) one by one, and also brought a lot of various marking samples to everyone, just to show the excellent product to everyone on the spot.


在吗,您有一份来自聚广恒公司的展会邀请函,请及时查收:展会名称:2019 年印度国际电子元器件及生产设备展览会。时间:2019 年 9 月 25 – 27 日。地点:印度新德里•印度大诺依达国际展览中心。展号: Hall 14, PE79。聚广恒诚意邀请您莅临参观指导并有礼品相送,期待您的到来,我们与您不见不散!

Hey, you have an invitation letter from Juguangheng Company, please check it in time: Exhibition Name: Electronica & Productronica India 2019 . Time: September 25-27, 2019. Location: New Delhi, India Expo Center, Greater Noida , India. Exhibition number: Hall 14, PE79. Juguangheng sincerely invites you to come to visit and guide and we have gifts to send, look forward to your arrival.



Wait, don’t go back, the Juguangheng National Day holiday notice came out, please check:


在吗?想约您一起和聚广恒公司参加2019 年印度国际电子生产设备展




Ok, today’s newsletter is here. If you want to know more about our exhibition details, please pay attention to our WeChat public number: juguangheng, we will give you a wonderful picture for the first time.